邑蓝天 >女人面相 >手相面相

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  梦见shuang手像冬天一样裂开 84   梦见双手像冬天一样裂开意味着:   往常的客观,平heng感这两天似乎有些乱了,想法偏颇又主观。只注重dao眼前的得失,真正大ju反而没去顾虑到?但爱情上这两天约会时不fang多听听情人的意见!将双手交给对方。由他带领你前往的地方很可能让ni有什麽新奇的感受!还有。这两天duo接触使用电脑也是幸运的关键喔!   梦见双手像冬天一样裂开的ji凶:   三才配置甚佳?基础运坚固,境遇安泰,喜下属忠心扶助,得长辈或上司之惠ze引进。努力奋斗。可轻易得成功,及伸张发展。很幸福安全之jia名!【大吉昌】。把双手手相拍给陌生人


  yuan来是这样:母亲怀孕期间如果心情不好!脾气急燥或受什me打击或刺激。那么生chu来的孩子容易是断掌、不是所有这样的母亲都会sheng出断掌孩子。但几乎所有的断掌孩子的母亲在怀孕期间du出现过这样的情况。那在这样的qing况下。生出的小孩这一生的性ge、脾气ji本可以确定是急燥型的!原因一。母亲在怀孕期间的不良情xu遗传给小孩!原因二,小hai的成长过程中受母亲的急燥性格的影响也会变成急燥的脾气,     那么可以chu步得出结论,断掌的人脾气很急zao。支配欲很强。     那么ji然这样!那女人断掌ke夫就可以想像得出来! pi气急燥的男人往往有两个下场:     一!鲁莽型,说话,做事不动脑子,沉不住气。争强好胜。容易失去理智,冲动,失足,最zhong基本上都“进去了”、这就应了“不是天才就是白痴”那句话!     二。雷厉风行型,敢闯敢拼,说做马上就行动,勇于进取。不达目的不罢休,这些人往wang最终会取得成就、也应了“不是天才就是白痴”那ju话。     对照我自己,两个都不像,所以我既不是天才也不是白chi,但有一点shi肯定的!24岁前(走上社会前)我是个脾气极端急燥的人!随着这些年在商chang跌爬滚打、原来棱角分明。现zai被磨得圆滑世故了、磨得没有脾气了,微笑mian对所有的人?除了liu在掌中的那条线外,在我身上已经找不到断掌人性格的影zi了,   一般说来,you断掌纹的人做事积极,比较容易成功。缺点就是性急。容易出错,如guo两只手都有断掌纹!表示这个人虽然个性刚qiang、但hui比较能够平衡,不过若仅有yi手饥断掌纹。ze在人格发展上要多自我调适,避免太过偏执。如ci就不会有不好的影响了!关于断掌,民间又有ling一种传说。男人左手断掌。意味会做;男人右手duan掌、意味会变成;万一双手皆duan掌!导入正途。必能有所作为。看来要xiang有所作为、xu先要导入正途才行!要走正道,------------------首先我们需要知道什me是断掌,伸开手掌,我men可以看到手掌上有三条清晰的主线,由上er下分别是感情线!智慧线,生命线,断掌的人,感情线与zhi慧线合二而一、令shou掌出现一条明显的纹线。横过手掌,好似将手zhang分割开!分成两部分。这种纹路在相学上就称为duan掌,     那么我们再分别断掌代biao的内容。古相书上说:“男儿断掌千斤liang、女子断掌过房养。”这就是说nan人断掌,是有chuang造财富的能力?价值千金,事实上。很多事业有成的男xing也确实是断掌、但是也要配合其他纹路区bie对待?若果两zhi手都是断掌,则更是难得,     但是女子断zhang则代表父母缘薄、“过fang养”的意思是自小宜过继给他人!或者自小跟随祖父母或zhe其他亲人。若女人由此掌纹,属命硬之人,克性较大。对周围的亲人的运势都you阻碍的作用,所以自身的感情路程一样bi较崎岖,结婚阻碍。离婚的几率也大,     拥有duan掌的人。主观性强。脾气较大,做事很执着,从好的方面看,这种人做事很有决xin、恒心。认定的目标,一定会排出万难。不会半途而废。因ci多在事业上取得成就!从另一方面看。即使ming知是错的事情!也会错到底,是死不hui改的硬脾气!除了脾气暴躁外。对家人的刑克也shi比较重的?与父母。兄弟姐妹。夫妻子nv的缘份也会浅薄,宜聚少离多,fou则家人可能会长期衰运!或者长期患病,断掌的的人。不论nan女都不宜早婚。早结早离,晚婚更加适宜,   210shuo法一:所谓断掌!古代时候zhi为通贯手。就是智慧线gen感情线合并为一。平行横 越手掌bian! 据说,传闻只有两种人hui双手断掌,一个是大善无爱。所以无所不爱。一个是大恶,断一切缘法,   说法二:断掌是掌纹中仅次yu无纹得一种特殊纹路!一般来说男左女you?断掌的人ming运一般很特殊、此人必然拥有大智hui或大本领?断的位置bu同说法也不同?有杀人断纹。有蛟龙断纹,有举人状......余下全文>>。


  duan掌最大的妨碍是在情感路上不顺遂,婚姻家庭生活duo曲折,磨难。不仅感情婚姻不shun!断掌者对家人的刑克也jiao重,往往父母缘,兄妹缘,子女缘都很浅薄,   断掌三种化解方法     1,过继给ta人     断掌的人命硬,xu要找命硬的人过继,ju少离多以减轻对家人的刑克,该法要求在断掌zhe幼年时代即开始过继!另外,现代家庭子女少,认养手续复杂,实际操作较难shi现,     作为一种替代的方法!也可从小好拜认gan爹干妈、认干爹干妈,有一些化解效果。但是不彻底,     2,调理化解     五行通天地,阴阳定乾坤。断掌者一方面可请阴yang五行护身符随身携带或放在卧室镇宅理气!催动自身气场五xing流通、阴阳和谐,避免对家人de冲射,     ling一方面,断掌jia庭可请五行八卦福镇宅护佑、五行八卦福贴于wo室。客厅等主要房间。催动阳zhai风水五行通关?阴阳相济。   3,选择年龄差距较大的jie婚对象     断掌者婚姻多半不幸福,断掌女性寻zhao对象时、最好选择比自ji大10岁以上的对象,男性寻找对象时,最好选ze比自己小10岁以上的对象,也可选择zai婚人士,或dui方也是断掌的人。,把双手手相拍给陌生人


  This is a true story. However, in order to respect the wishes of the text in the main character, the per capita for all of the alias.   It is about 1984, that year's college entrance examination, but a small fraction Chow is just taking the line that time, not as a result of the promotion of "education industry", University of Health do not accept at their own expense (but that there is a trick at their own expense, students can not read small Zou), but to acknowledge the reality of small Zou: failed. Small Zou grew up in rural areas from an early age, childhood, his group (now referred to as the "village" - the author note) to a group of mountains of the educated youth to the countryside, the village closed to bring the outside information, he likes and Flying Chat youth pull from that, "the outside world really exciting." The late seventies, educated youth are gradually返城, he remembered a friend of a youth sentence for his farewell message, "for university, university whether it is to wear shoes to wear straw sandals and a watershed" . So he studied hard, in order to change the destiny. However, fate did not favor him, the unsatisfactory results of college entrance examination, he cried after the father to work in the fields of labor.   Here I must mention the class of small Zou high teacher. High the teacher is a mountainous commune in northern Fujian (now referred to as the "Township") of secondary school teachers, teaching in the mountains for many years and has rich experience in teaching. With high teacher observation of small Zou, he keenly felt and small Zou is a potential and future students: study hard for continuous improvement. The success of this test may be unable to test in the examination room with his poor play on the spot, and if so to give up the pursuit and return to rural farmers, then pity. Thus specialized high teacher Zou visited the small home, with small Chow, made it clear that the parents are willing to let free of charge to schools to small Zou, "melted down" to learn in his classes, his personal counseling for university tomorrow. In this way, the small commune of Zou and again to the secondary schools, began a critical study of life.   Zou in small schools, the teachers room and board in high-home, daytime classes, evening, marking the high student teacher in the operation after the tutorial for small Zou. There is also a daughter of high teachers, but also the teacher of that class读高三high. The same class during the day and at night with small Zou together under the guidance of a teacher in high school review. Over time, small Zou and high teacher's daughter had a hazy love (first love). Found high teacher does not like other parents, as gross interference in, or back to the small Zou, but quite frankly a little Zou and his daughter called him, told them: "You were in love, I have no objection to , but you only after both the university, I will agree to marry you. " Inspired by the teacher, the teacher of small Zou and high daughter on to exhort each other to study hard. A year later, both university and small Zou admitted to the Xiamen University, the high teacher's daughter was admitted to a Fujian Normal University, everyone is happy.   Since Zou and not the teacher's daughter, a university study, "love" a feeling of indifference. Finally, commensurate with their brother and sister on.   Small Zou graduated from university that year, China has just taken place in a "student movement" was Beijing University, Qinghua University and other key most of the graduates did not stay in Beijing (all left Beijing), a result, this small Zou Xiamen University graduates, on the natural "supplement" assigned to Beijing, in a large state-owned enterprise when the secretary, soon to become a newspaper reporter.   Later, small Zou in Beijing Beijing to find a girl in love, get married before and his girlfriend small Zou (Beijing girl) went to his home (in a remote mountain in northern Fujian) called on parents, at home after two days that he would no longer be able to live his girlfriend, and talking about back to Beijing, the reason is very simple, rural life is so harsh that it is dirty, she is unable to adapt to ... .... They rushed back to Beijing. After they married, the wife of a small Zou (Beijing is that the girl) for small Zou said that your parents live in rural areas so hard, should they receive them from Beijing. Thus, they received small Zou Beijing parents live. But also the younger brother of the small Zou mountainous northern Fujian received from Beijing, now the younger brother of the small Zou worked in Beijing.   A person reading, "to get ahead," so the whole family are "dipping." Knowledge to change the fate of ah!,






  梦见自己双手被砸残废意味zhuo:   你得意的领域,有自信de事情可多多利用机会在别人面前表现!只要有机会就毛遂zi荐!让别人惊奇一下,让你活跃的chang合就是自己创造出来的预感!而好奇心被激发chu来的这两天!ye可试著接触以往不熟悉的领域。说不定geng能有什么好的新发现,,


