邑蓝天 >风水知识


  The heavy rain has been pouring down all the time for there days.Not only fields but also villages have been fooded.Last night,houses were washed away by the flood and the villagers were in danger and struggling in the water,cryingfor help.Just then the PLA men hurried over by steamboat,They did their best to save villagers and helped them to move onto the riverbank.The government for the villaders very much.Tents,food,clothes and medicine were sent to them without delay.Without the Party and the PLA men,a large number of people would have lost their lives ia the flood or died of hunger.、


  发生火灾怎么办英语作文3句   参考如下:   You should find water first   Then pour water on the fire   Youcan also run out of the room、








  1)短路,(2)过负荷。(3)接触电阻热。(4)电火花和电弧!(5)照明灯具,电热元件,电热gong具的表面热?(6)过压热。(7)涡流热   dian气设备过热、电气设备本身的wen升是有规定的、这yu绝缘材料允许耐受温度有关。当温度da大超过绝缘材料允许温升后。不仅会引起加su老化。还会引起绝缘材料ran烧!当电气设备正常运行遭破坏shi。发热量增加。温度升高。zai一定条件下引起火灾?   yin起电气设备过热的原因是:1)短路:相线与零线之间或相线之间造成金属性接触即为短路!短路时温度ji剧升高!引起绝缘材料ran烧而产生火灾,2)过载:电气线路或设备所通过的电流值超过其允许的数值则为过载、过载可引起绝缘shao毁!3)接触不良:电器连接部分chang用焊接或螺栓连接!一旦松动,则连jie部分接触电阻增加,接头过热。导致灾害。4)铁芯发热:铁芯绝缘损坏因发热量增大会产sheng高温,5)散热不良:电器散热措shi受到破坏,会造成过热。   (2)电火花或电弧!电弧shi大量电火花汇集成的!电hu温度可高达6000摄氏度。因此电火花或电弧不仅能引起jue缘物质燃烧,而且可以引起金shu熔化,飞溅。构成火灾,爆炸的火源。dian火花可分为工作火花和事故火花。工作火花如开关或接触器触头分he时的火花、shi故火花是电器或线路发生故障时产生的火花。如发生短路时产生的火hua!绝缘损坏或保xian丝熔断时出现的闪络等。事故火花huan包括外来原因产生的火花,如雷电火花。静电火花,高pin感应电火花等!电气设bei本身除多油断路器,电力变压器,电力电容器,充you套管等充油设备可能炸裂外!一般bu会出现爆炸事故。   以下情况可能引起空间爆炸、   1)周围空气有爆炸性混合wu!在危险温度或电火花作用下引起空间bao炸、2)充油设备的绝缘油在电弧作yong下分解或气化!喷出大量油wu和可燃气体!引起爆炸,3)发电机氢leng却装置漏气?酸性xu电池排出氢气等,形成爆炸混合物,引起空间爆炸, 电气线路,电动机,油浸电力变压器,开关设备。电灯,电热设备等由yu结构,运行特点不同,火灾和bao炸的危险性和原因也各不相同,但总的看来,除设备缺陷。安装bu当等原因外!在运行中。电流的热量和电流的火花或电弧是引起火zai爆炸的直接原因! 所以。我们根据以上的电气原因导zhi火灾爆炸的情况,采取相应的措施来避mian火灾爆炸事故的发生!最重要的是,我们应该经常进行安全检cha!做到将事故消灭在萌芽状tai?确bao生命和财产的安全,。


  单位或居民住宅发生火灾后,应该照yi下方法做:   1、火灾袭来时要迅速tao生!不要贪恋财物。   2,家庭成员平时就要了解掌握火zai逃生的基本方法,熟悉ji条逃生路线!逃生后。尽快拨打火警电hua119 报警?   3,受到火势威胁时,要当机立断pi上浸湿的衣物!被褥等向安全chu口方向冲出去、   4。穿过浓烟逃生时,要尽量使身体贴近di面,并用湿毛巾捂zhu口鼻,   5。身上着火。千万不要奔跑,可就di打滚或用厚重衣物压灭火苗?   6,遇火灾不可乘坐dian梯,要向安全出口方向tao生,   7,室外着火,门已发烫时,千万不要开门。以防da火窜入室内。要用浸湿的被褥。衣物等堵塞门窗。并泼水降温。   8。若所有逃生线路被大火feng锁、要立即退回室内。用打手电筒,挥舞衣物。呼叫等fang式向窗外发送求救信号,等待救援。   9,千万不yao盲目跳楼、可利用疏散楼梯,阳台,排水管等逃生。或把床单,被套撕成条状连成sheng索,紧栓在窗框,铁栏杆等固定物shang?顺绳滑下,或下到未着火的楼层脱离xian境?,


  Aries   you are energetic and active ,but sometimes too impatient.   youlike to be the leader .some people think that you are selfish at times.   Taurus   you are stubborn and do not like change .you are a hard-work person.   you are patient and do not give up easily.   Gemini   you are a curious and clever person .you are outgoing.you love to talk.   Cancer   you are kind.you love your homeand family and like to take care of others.you like saving money and cooking.   Leo   you are a strong and confident person .youare generous. you like to buy your friends nice gifts.   Virgo   you are a modest person .you worry too much at times.you are practical and you always pay attention to details.   Libra   youare a polite and fair person .   you are elegant and love beautiful things.you love peace and do not like to like others.   Scorpio   you are a powerful person and have lots of energy .you like to keep secrets.however sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.   Sagittarius   you enjoy life and have a good sense of humour .you are often lucky.   you love tavelling to different places.   Capricorn   you are businesslike and are often successful.you are good at making or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.   Aquarius   you are kind and wise.you have many friends.however,some people think that you are strange as you hate to be like anyone else and you try everything just to be different.   Pisces   you are geners ,kind,gentleandeasy-going.you are also creative and imaginative.you like to dream about everything.,发生火灾应该怎么做英语作文


  发生火灾时你应该做什么和不该做什么What should you do and what should not do when a fire occurs、发生火灾应该怎么做英语作文

独生子女利弊 英语作文

  Most of us are the only child in our family. We have no brothers or sisters. Our family mainly consists of our mom,our dad and us. We are growing up in a world differently from our parents’. And we will be the future leaders of China. Some day we have to work hand in hand with each other and make China more and more beautiful. So we must learn to love each other like brothers and sisters.   It’s hard to think how difficult life would be if we had a sibling(同胞!手足).We never have to share anything at home. Of course, we might have cousins, but we don’t have to live with them! Our parents try to give us the best, and the best doesn’t need sharing between two or three children. Do we ever ask ourselves if we are (宠坏) spoiled?   A recent study has found that many children don’t know how to love others! We don’r know the value of money. We don’t know how hard our parents are to support us. We don’t want others to regard us as spoiled, do we? Well, why not start now to help our parents at home, share a game with one of our friends or value the opinions of our classmates, even if we don’t always agree? In a word, we must learn to love each other!?


