邑蓝天 >风水知识


  According to the United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization, the water crisis in Africa has resulted in 6000 deaths each year, about 300 million African population due to lack of water and live a poor life. In the next 20 years, at least 500 million people will live in a difficult situation because of lack of water. This will further lead to their lack of water for irrigation of crops, so that agricultural production will continue to reduce. Experts believe that the next 23 years, due to the lack of enough water, food production in Africa will be reduced by 23%. And some experts think, natural water resources in Africa does not lack, but poor African didn't manage these valuable water resources, so that the situation of water resources crisis is becoming more and more serious. Africa is currently 1/3 of the population lack of drinking water, while nearly half of Africans because of drinking unclean water and stained glass analysts believe that if the current lack of drinking water status was not improved, then in 2010 at least 17 African countries will be seriously short of water, and water resources are also likely to become a dispute or conflict between some African countries fuse.According to statistics, in order to solve the problem of shortage of water resources in Africa's population, the annual need to invest $20 billion. At present, some African countries, water supply investment accounted for only 1% of the budget. Experts pointed out that the water shortage will be a potential factor leading to social conflicts and political conflict, water supply difficulties will be the economic development of the African people and the health of life brings a huge crisis.!


  缺水是目前摆在我们面前的一个严重的问题   Water shortage is a serious problem in front of us.   缺水是目前摆在我们面前的一个严重的问题   Water shortage is a serious problem in front of us.,

英语作文 我国许多地区都处于严重缺水状态

  Difficiency of water occurs in most of areas in our country、关于缺水问题的英语作文关于缺水问题的英语作文


  第er种更好一点,补充修改yi下:   尽管这听上去让人难以置信。dan人在做梦时往往会完全相信梦境中的世界真实存在!   英语翻译重要的是意译哦、zhong华文化博大精深、要适dang地进行对原句的修改!。

英语作文 中国人第一次见面忌讳谈论的问题

  How are you!Mr li I has been that li Hua.for this time purpose that write letter meant to tell you chinese gift discuss.the first chinese and meet and usually is.Second in china first meet and be a guest usually want to take something,this is politeoess.补充:When third have dinner.had better not the too loud round.this is to respect the opposite Side i express again.Fourth finish eating the meal and shoud don't usually stay long.So that host could rest.If need help of something i to be willing very much help。


  Detail decides the success of a project.This very true,if you did not do a detail planning for any thing you do,you will bound to miss out something.The miss-out part could be the most critical part that can cause the project progress!


  Bright Star   I love the endless sea, I love the rain softly, I love flying snow, I love bringing a bright full moon, but I love the starry night sky.   Star is fascinating. Beautiful summer night, I was alone courtyards, looked up this quiet sky. Cool breeze caresses my face, so happy!   Sky is bright. Countless stars shining lights like light, set in the deep blue sky. As the cradle of the sky, the stars like a baby, most of them obediently fell asleep. A few small stars naughty little eyes blinked, as if quietly told me: "!. Dark, quickly go to sleep but also to class tomorrow it" And a few small stars around the moon sitting in her mother , probably in attentively listen to her exciting story! Occasionally, a meteor across the sky, it is a long thin tail dragging across the vast galaxy, hastily disappeared in the vast darkness. At this time, you feel like being in a colorful fairy tale world.   Star is evocative. I looked at the sky trance confusing, can not help but imagination: Adorable Little Dipper, you really brought to mankind fire it? The other end of the legendary Taurus honest honest, you head down in the fresh grass grazing? Or in pensive? Lovestruck Cowherd, if you turn on the Magpie Bridge out? The light emitted by these stars, although there is no sun so bright, nor the moon so quiet, but they still shine with the glory of life and dedication to the pedestrians to illuminate the way forward!   译文:   璀璨的星空   我爱浩瀚无边的大海,我爱润物无声的春雨,我爱漫天飞舞的雪花,我爱皎洁明亮的圆月,但我更爱群星璀璨的夜空?   星kong是迷人的,美丽的夏夜,我独自坐在院zi里,抬头仰wang这静谧的星空,阵阵凉风抚过我de脸庞?好惬意。   星kong是璀璨的,无数颗星xing闪烁着灯火般的光。镶嵌zai深蓝色的天幕中?天空如同摇篮,星星恰似宝宝,它们大多乖乖di睡着了!几颗xiao星星眨着调皮的小眼睛,像是在悄悄地告诉我:“天黑了,快快去睡吧。明天还要上课呢。”还有几颗小星星围坐在月亮婆婆的周wei,大概是在聚精会神di听她讲扣人心弦的故事吧?偶尔,从空中划过一颗流xing、它拖着细细长chang的尾巴,穿过浩瀚的星河,匆匆消逝在茫茫的夜色zhong?这时。你仿佛置身于一个五彩ban斓的童话世界?   星kong是令人遐想的?我望着扑朔迷离的星空出shen?不禁浮想联翩:可爱的小熊星zuo?真的是你给人类带来了火种ma,传说zhong那头淳朴憨厚的金牛!你低着tou是在啃食鲜嫩的青草。还是在若有所思,痴情的牛郎织女,你们是否又在鹊桥上相会了ne,这些星星发出的光虽没有阳光那么灿lan,也没有月guang那么清幽?但它men却依然绽放着生命的光彩!竭jin所能为过往的行人照亮前进的方向!,


  人在教室 心在外   读书不如谈恋爱   补充:   张庾玄带着蔡依林在周星池喝水,   突然刮起了谢霆风。   从水中chu了一条吴奇龙!   吴奇龙手chi郑伊剑。   qi着黄家驹、   抢走了蔡依林,   zhang庾玄手持周华剑 。   踏着温兆轮,翻过了赵本山。   穿guo了关芝林,   跃guo了潘长江!   抢回了蔡依林!   回到了郭富城,   还在城中挂起了任贤旗!   补充:、

独生子女利弊 英语作文

  Most of us are the only child in our family. We have no brothers or sisters. Our family mainly consists of our mom,our dad and us. We are growing up in a world differently from our parents’. And we will be the future leaders of China. Some day we have to work hand in hand with each other and make China more and more beautiful. So we must learn to love each other like brothers and sisters.   It’s hard to think how difficult life would be if we had a sibling(同胞。手足).We never have to share anything at home. Of course, we might have cousins, but we don’t have to live with them! Our parents try to give us the best, and the best doesn’t need sharing between two or three children. Do we ever ask ourselves if we are (宠坏) spoiled?   A recent study has found that many children don’t know how to love others! We don’r know the value of money. We don’t know how hard our parents are to support us. We don’t want others to regard us as spoiled, do we? Well, why not start now to help our parents at home, share a game with one of our friends or value the opinions of our classmates, even if we don’t always agree? In a word, we must learn to love each other!、关于缺水问题的英语作文


  According to the United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization, the water crisis in Africa has resulted in 6000 deaths each year, about 300 million African population due to lack of water and live a poor life. In the next 20 years, at least 500 million people will live in a difficult situation because of lack of water. This will further lead to their lack of water for irrigation of crops, so that agricultural production will continue to reduce. Experts believe that the next 23 years, due to the lack of enough water, food production in Africa will be reduced by 23%. And some experts think, natural water resources in Africa does not lack, but poor African didn't manage these valuable water resources, so that the situation of water resources crisis is becoming more and more serious. Africa is currently 1/3 of the population lack of drinking water, while nearly half of Africans because of drinking unclean water and stained glass analysts believe that if the current lack of drinking water status was not improved, then in 2010 at least 17 African countries will be seriously short of water, and water resources are also likely to become a dispute or conflict between some African countries fuse.   According to statistics, in order to solve the problem of shortage of water resources in Africa's population, the annual need to invest $20 billion. At present, some African countries, water supply investment accounted for only 1% of the budget. Experts pointed out that the water shortage will be a potential factor leading to social conflicts and political conflict, water supply difficulties will be the economic development of the African people and the health of life brings a huge crisis.,关于缺水问题的英语作文


