邑蓝天 >风水知识 >风水堪舆


  universityit should be a institution for study.but no one gives a shit to act goody goody.in this concentrated small city.there are a bunch of fashion beauties.all we need is to fuck silly.。


  The Last Rose of Summer   'Tis the last rose of summer,   Left blooming alone,   All her lovely companions   Are faded and gone.   No flower of her kindred,   No rose bud is nigh,   To reflect back her blushes,   Or give sigh for sigh.   I'll not leave thee, thou lone one,   To pine on the stem,   Since the lovely are sleeping,   Go sleep thou with them.   Thus kindly I scatter   Thy leaves o'er the bed   Where thy mates of the garden   Lie scentless and dead.   So soon may I follow,   When friendships decay,   And from Love's shining circle   The gems drop away!   When true hearts lie withered   And fond ones are flown   Oh! who would inhabit   This bleak world alone?   The Coming of Light   by Mark Strand   Even this late it happens:   the coming of love, the coming of light.   You wake and the candles are lit as if by themselves,   stars gather, dreams pour into your pillows,   sending up warm bouquets of air.   Even this late the bones of the body shine   and tomorrow's dust flares into breath.   Trees   by Joyce Kilmer   I think that I shall never see   A poem lovely as a tree   A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed   Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast   A three that looks at God all day   And lifts her leafy arms to pray   A tree that may in Summer wear   A nest of robins in her hair   Upon whose bosom snow has lain   Who intimately lives with rain   Poems are made by fools like me   But only god can make a tree?一首关于春天的英文五行诗




  computer   convenient expensive   playing learning chatting   improve people's living conditions   fabulous   这样可以吗、一首关于春天的英文五行诗




  这ge句出自《易经》. 《周易》曰:天行健,君子以自强不息。地势坤。君子以厚德载物。上句“天行健。君子以zi强不息”流传更广!但两千年来,知者多。能解者少,然而。在学术界reng有不同的解释,目前,似乎huan没有公认的正确训解!   诠释一   《易经》中认为: 乾为马。坤为牛, 用马来象征天, 故,天行健。就不难理解。骏马以形rong自强不息!坤为牛,以牛来诠释ren之品德、 有些古句是不xu要详细解释的!关键在于ge人的体味?   诠释二   《易经》曰:天行健,君子以自强不息,地势坤,君子以厚德载物,“天行jian”与“地势坤”失去了对称!yuan因如下: 据帛书《周易》、“干”为“键”,“天行健”nai“天行键”、“键”乃“gan”之古字?而“jian”又训为“健”?串在一起: 天。行矣。干(键),干,健也。 据帛书《周易》?“坤”为“川”。“势”乃“执”,“地shi坤”乃“地执川”! “川”乃“坤”zhi古字,而“川”又训为“顺”、串在一起: 地,执也,坤(川)。坤,顺也。 “地”也有“原初的肯定性的强力”! “执”执力为“shi”、所以“di执坤”变成了“地势坤”。 “执”执持。执守。“势”“势力”。 “形势”。坤之义大矣哉, 人参赞天地hua育?参入“存在zhe之整体”!又能“复”,而得以“jian天地之心”?天。地。人。三才而两之。中道而行。何惑之有。 天行矣,干。干。健也。君子以自强不息。 地执也,坤,坤。顺也,君子以厚德载物,   诠释三   “天行健”出自《周易》:“天行健!君子以zi强不息”(乾卦)!“地势坤,君子yi厚德载物”(坤卦)! 意谓:天(即自然)的运动刚强jin健!相应于此,君子应刚毅坚卓,发愤图强。大地的qi势厚实和顺!君子应增厚美德。容载万物, 译为:君子应该像天宇yi样运行不息!即使颠沛流离。也不屈不挠,如果你是君子,接物度量要像大地一yang,没有任何东西不能承zai!。


  呵呵,鲁迅倒是写过一首:《自嘲》   《自嘲》   鲁xun   运交华盖欲何求。未敢翻身已碰头。   破帽遮颜guo闹市。漏船载酒泛中流,   横眉冷对千夫指?俯首甘为孺子牛。   躲进小楼成一统,管他冬夏与春秋,   《鲁迅ri记》1932年10月12日:“午后。为柳亚子书一条幅云:(lue)。达夫赏饭。闲人打油。偷得半联。添成一律以请之。”按。10月5日郁达夫在聚丰园宴请兄郁华,请鲁迅作陪。诗中“破”作“旧”?“漏”作“破”。后来鲁迅为ri本杉本勇乘题此诗于扇面,“对”作“看”。   ①鲁迅《华盖集·题记》:“这运(指华盖运),在和尚是好运:顶有hua盖。自然是成佛zuo祖之兆!但俗人可不行,华盖在上。就要给罩住了。只好碰钉子。”   ②《吴子·治兵》:“如坐漏船zhi中,”《jin书·华卓传》。华卓说:“得酒满数百斛chuan。……拍浮酒船中,便足了一生矣。”   ③《左传》哀公六年:“鲍子曰:‘汝忘君(齐景公)之为孺子牛而折其齿乎。’”洪亮吉《北江诗话》卷一引qian季重作的柱帖:“酒酣或化庄生蝶!饭饱甘为孺子牛,”“孺子”,鲁迅说,本意是指的自己的儿子——子婴!后lai借指劳动人民了,,


  1) 德文原版 (21.II.20, abends 7h im Zug nach Berlin)   Erinnerung an die Marie A. (by Bertolt Brecht)   An jenem Tag im blauen Mond September   Still unter einem jungen Pflaumenbaum   Da hielt ich sie, die stille bleiche Liebe   In meinem Arm wie einen holden Traum.   Und über uns im schönen Sommerhimmel   War eine Wolke, die ich lange sah   Sie war sehr weiß und ungeheuer oben   Und als ich aufsah, war sie nimmer da.   Seit jenem Tag sind viele, viele Monde   Geschwommen still hinunter und vorbei.   Die Pflaumenbäume sind wohl abgehauen   Und fragst du mich, was mit de Liebe sei?   So sag ich dir: Ich kann mich nicht erinnern   Und doch, gewiß, ich weiß schon, was du meinst.   Doch ihr Gesicht, das weiß ich wirklich nimmer   Ich weiß nur mehr: ich küßte es dereinst.   Und auch den Kuß, ich hätt ihn längst vergessen   Wenn nicht die Wolke dagewesen wär   Die weiß ich noch und werd ich immer wissen   Sie war sehr weiß und kam von oben her.   Die Pflaumenbäume blühn vielleicht noch immer   Und jene Frau hat jetzt vielleicht das siebte Kind   Doch jene Wolke blühte nur Minuten   Und als ich aufsah, schwand sie schon im Wind.   2) 英文译本   V1: Knut W. Barde 译   Memory of Marie   On that day in the blue moon of September   Quietly under a young plum tree   Is where I held her, the still pale love   In my arm like a lovely dream.   And above us in the beautiful summer sky   was a cloud, which I saw for a long time   It was very white and immensely high   And when I looked up, it was never more.   Since that day many, many moons have   Quietly swum down and past.   The plum trees probably have been chopped off   And you ask me, how is it with the love?   So I tell you: I cannot remember.   And yet, sure, I do know what you mean   But her face, I really do not know it anymore   I only still know: I once kissed it.   Even the kiss, I would have forgotten it long ago   had the cloud not been there   That I still know and will I always know   Very white it was and came from above.   Perhaps the plum trees are still flowering   And that women now perhaps has her seventh child   But that cloud blossomed only for minutes   And when I looked up, it already was disappearing in the wind.   V2: Remembering Marie A. (Traditional, adapted by Bertolt Brecht, tranlated by Muldowney)   It was a day in that blue month September   Silent beneath the plum tree's slender shade   I held her there, my love, so pale and silent   As if she were a dream that must not fade   Above us in the shining summer heaven   There was a cloud my eyes dwelled long upon   It was quite white and very high above us   Then I looked up and found that it had gone   And since that day, so many moons in silence   Have swum across the sky and gone below   The plum trees surely have been chopped for firewood   And if you ask, "How does that love seem now?"   I must admit, I really can't remember   And yet I know what you are trying to say   But what her face was like, I know no longer   I only know I kissed it on that day   As for the kiss, I've long ago forgot it   But for the cloud that floated in the sky   I know that still and shall forever know it   It was quite white and moved in very high   It may be that the plum trees still are blooming   That woman's seventh child may now be there   And yet that cloud had only bloomed for minutes   When I looked up, it vanished on the air   3) 意大利译本(Ferdinando Albeggiani 译)   Ricordo di Marie A.   Accadde un giorno d' un settembre azzurro.   Tranquillo, sotto un giovane susino,   stringevo l'amor mio, pallido e quieto,   tra le mie braccia come in un sogno felice.   E sopra entrambi, nel bel cielo estivo,   c'era una nube che a lungo ho contemplato:   bianca ed immensa stava lassù sospesa   ma, quando guardai in alto di nuovo, era svanita.   E da quel giorno molte, molte lune   sono passate tramontando in silenzio.   Ed i susini, forse, ormai sono abbattuti;   E tu mi chiedi: che fu di quell'amore?   Io allora ti rispondo: più non lo ricordo.   E pure so cosa intendi, e bene lo comprendo.   Pure il suo volto più non lo rammento,   questo solo rammento: che l'ho baciato un giorno.   Ed anche il bacio, l' avrei dimenticato   se quella nube non fosse apparsa nel cielo.   Quella ancora la vedo, né la potrò scordare:   era bianchissima e scendeva dall'alto.   Forse i susini fioriscono ancora   e quella donna ha forse sette figli,   ma quella nuvola fiorì per un solo istante   e, quando guardai in alto di nuovo, era svanita nel vento.   4) 中译本   V1:紫蓉 译   在那个有著蓝月的九月天里?   我拥著她。在新栽的李树下。   她是我怀里安静苍bai的爱、   如一chang温柔的梦境,   我们上方的美丽夏空里   栖停了一朵云。我凝望著它。   一朵苍白的云!而且慑人的高远,   当我再度抬头!它早已消失不见,   那天过后。许许多多的明月   静谧的上升!静谧的沉落。   而那些李树也早已遭人砍伐,   然后你问我。我们的爱情呢,   於是我回答:我已经没印象了,   不过我知dao你指的是什么意思,   她的脸我真的完全都想不起。   留下的。只有我吻了她的回yi?   而且。如果当时ye空里没有那朵云。   我可能早也失去了na个吻的记忆、   na朵云我仍记得?也永远记得,   它是如此苍白!而且无尽高远。   那些李树也许仍绽放著花蕊、   而na女子也许刚生了第七个孩子?   然而。每duo云都只在顷刻间绽放凋谢?   当我再度抬tou!它早已乘著风消失不jian、   V2:回忆玛丽·安(布莱希特 著 黄粲然译)   那是蓝色九月的一天!   我在一株李树的细长阴影下   静jing搂着她? wo的情人是这样   苍白和沉默! 仿佛yi个不逝的梦,   在我men头上,在夏tian明亮的空中,   有一朵云。我的双眼久久凝wang它,   它很白,很高,离我们很远,   当我抬起头!发现它不见了。   自那tian以后,很多yue亮   悄悄移过天空!落下去,   那些李树大概被砍去当柴shao了!   而如guo你问,那场恋爱怎么了。   我必须承认,我真的记不起来。   然而我知道你企图说shi么!   她的脸是什么样zi我已不清楚、   我只知道:那天我吻liao它、   zhi于那个吻。我早已忘记,   但是那朵在空中漂浮的云   我却依然记得,永不会忘记,   它很白,在很gao的空中移动?   那些李树可能huan在开花。   那个女人可能生了第七个孩子、   然er那朵云只出现了几分钟、   当我抬头。它已不知去向。   V3:译zhe未知(节译)   忆玛丽亚   九月的这一天!洒下蓝色月光,   洋李树下一片静默、   轻拥着。沉默而苍白的恋ren,   依偎在我怀中,宛如美丽的梦。   夏夜晴空在我们zhi上?   一朵云攫住了我的目光。   如此洁白。至高无上,   我再度仰望时,   que已不知去向,   ***   背景   这是一首德国民歌,由布莱希特采编,第二个英文译本。曾被1960年代歌手David Bowie作为歌词演唱!   音乐下载([!一首关于春天的英文五行诗

五行诗关于爱情的 英语

  LoveSweet,warmStairing,smiling, huggingBring care and joy Forever、

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